
An animation of DNA supercoiling with an AOT (Forth et al., PRL, 2008. Animation by Bob Forties).

Direct visualization of transcription-generated rotation in real time. (Ma et al., Science, 2013).

Unzipping through a RNA polymerase (Inman et al., Nano Letters, 2014).

DNA replication can entangle DNA molecules, creating a problem for chromosome segregation during cell division. We found that the mechanical properties of chromatin inherently simplify replication topology and facilitate replication dynamics. (Le et al., Cell, 2019).

Translocating beads around a ring resonator waveguide trap (Soltanoi et al., Optics Express, 2012).

A nanophotonic standing-wave array trap (nSWAT) demonstrating controlled long range transport of an array of trapped beads (Soltanoi et al., Nature Nanotechnology, 2014).

DNA dumbbells are sorted with the nSWAT and subsequently the array of DNA molecules are simultaneously extended (Soltanoi et al., Nature Nanotechnology, 2014).

A nSWAT traps Qdot labeled beads from a laminar flow and transports them to new chemical environment in a second laminar flow (Soltanoi et al., Nature Nanotechnology, 2014).

An animation of an nSWAT device.

A COMSOL simulation of an nSWAT device.

A COMSOL simulation of an nSWAT device.