
Human Topoisomerase IIα Promotes Chromatin Condensation Via a Phase Transition.

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Chromatin Buffers Torsional Stress During Transcription.

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Torsion is a Dynamic Regulator of DNA Replication Stalling and Reactivation.

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RNA Polymerase II is a Polar Roadblock to a Progressing DNA Fork.

Kay T.M., Inman J.T., Lubkowska L., Le T.T., Qian J., Hall P.M., Wang D., Kashlev M., and Wang M.D.
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High-Resolution Genome-Wide Mapping of Chromatin Accessibility and Torsional Stress.

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Geometry of Braided DNA Dictates Supercoiling Partition.

Hong Y., Park S., Wang H., and Wang M.D.
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Torsional Mechanics of Circular DNA.

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DNA Polymerase Locks Replication Fork Under Stress.

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Tunable Elliptical Cylinders for Rotational Mechanical Studies of Single DNA Molecules.

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Protocol for effective surface passivation for single-molecule studies of chromatin and topoisomerase II.

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Optical torque calculations and measurements for DNA torsional studies.

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Joint Efforts of Replicative Helicase and SSB Ensure Inherent Replicative Tolerance of G-Quadruplex.

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Chromatinization modulates topoisomerase II processivity.

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Etoposide Promotes DNA Loop Trapping and Barrier Formation by Topoisomerase II.

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Polarity of the CRISPR Roadblock to Transcription.

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Angular Optical Trapping to Directly Measure DNA Torsional Mechanics.

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Resonator nanophotonic standing-wave array trap for single-molecule manipulation and measurement.

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RNA Polymerase as a Torsional Motor.

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Physics meets biology: The joining of two forces to further our understanding of cellular function.

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Ruler of life.

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Torsional Stiffness of Extended and Plectonemic DNA.

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Optical Tweezers in Single Molecule Biophysics.

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Dextran-coated iron oxide nanoparticle-induced nanotoxicity in neuron cultures.

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Towards Biological Applications of Nanophotonic Tweezers.

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Synergistic Coordination of Chromatin Torsional Mechanics and Topoisomerase Activity.
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High Trap Stiffness Microcylinders for Nanophotonic Trapping.
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Transcription factor regulation of RNA polymerase’s torque generation capacity.

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Optical tweezers: a force to be reckoned with.

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High-performance image-based measurements of biological forces and interactions in a dual optical trap.
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Molecular highways-navigating collisions of DNA motor proteins.
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Single-molecule angular optical trapping for studying transcription under torsion.
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Helicase promotes replication re-initiation from an RNA transcript.
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Mfd dynamically regulates transcription via a release and catch-up mechanism.
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Nanophotonic trapping: precise manipulation and measurement of biomolecular arrays.
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Tunable nanophotonic array traps with enhanced force and stability.
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Single-molecule optical-trapping techniques to study molecular mechanisms of a replisome.
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DNA looping mediates nucleosome transfer.
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Biocompatible and high stiffness nanophotonic trap array for precise and versatile manipulation.
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DNA supercoiling during transcription.
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The Chd1 chromatin remodeler can sense both entry and exit sides of the nucleosome.
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Single-molecule perspectives on helicase mechanisms and functions.
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T7 replisome directly overcomes DNA damage.
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Dynamic regulation of transcription factors by nucleosome remodeling.
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DNA Y structure: A versatile, multidimensional single molecule assay.
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Nanophotonic trapping for precise manipulation of biomolecular arrays.
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Interplay between DNA supercoiling and transcription elongation.
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Discovering the power of single molecules.
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RNA polymerase is a powerful torsional motor.
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On the move.
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Transcription under torsion.
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A DNA twist diffuses and hops.
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Unzipping single DNA molecules to study nucleosome structure and dynamics.
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Recent advances in single molecule studies of nucleosomes.
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Underwound DNA under tension: structure, elasticity, and sequence-dependent behaviors.
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Direct measurements of torque during Holliday junction migration.
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